Welcome, everyone!

Over the last few years, a vibrant community has formed around what are known as thinky games — games that ask you to carefully reason your way through puzzles and challenges; games that invite thoughtful contemplation; games that are brimming with curiosity and discovery. “Aha!” is our mantra.

Here at ThinkyGames.com, we want to bring these wonderful games to more people! We know so many of you love these brain-engaging experiences as much as we do, but there are still so many excellent games that go unnoticed. We’re here to fix that! We’ll cover new releases and bring you announcements, reviews, interviews, technical articles, and much more.

To keep up with our content, you have a few options! We’d love for you to join our new community on Discord, or you can follow us on Twitter or subscribe to our monthly newsletter or RSS feed.

We’re a bunch of thinky game fanatics — members of the existing thinky puzzle games community and experienced writers — so we think we have the breadth of knowledge and experience to bring you some great thinky content. Take a look at our About Us page to learn more about the team!

ThinkyGames.com would not exist if not for the support of Astra Games, who believe in the importance of thinky games in introducing playful problem solving to more homes. Please also say hello to our friends at the Thinky Puzzle Games Discord server, WarpDoor, Puzzle Games Plus, and the Family Gaming Database.

Here’s some of our latest content to get you started:

We hope you discover some amazing thinky games. Thanks for joining us!